
Welcome to FemmeSchool®

If you practiced Acupressure regularly, you would have already created the life you wanted.

About Us

I’m an Acupressure Practitioner and Instructor that lives in Victoria, BC. I’m passionate about connecting women to their deepest selves through acupressure techniques to break through old barriers and anchor a solid foundation to create her life. That’s why I worked hard to build the first global network for passion and self-convicted females in 2021. Today I’m building this network to connect these women with me to a powerful source of support from the deepest part of themselves. 

We Welcome You

  1. Exclusive Classes with Kyla and Guest Instructors.

  2. Special Discounts to Premium Courses for Members.

  3. Swap stories, experiences, and ideas (not necessarily advice) around our shared mission.

  4. Meet other women who share your interests, who live near you who do the same things or who care about the same topics.

  5. Find a little inspiration, thought-provoking conversations, and expert perspective each and every day.

A Big Thanks

Thank you so much for being part of our mission to solidify the power of female energy! As a reward, you will also get access to -

Weekly FemmeFamily® Sessions - A Weekly live session that we co-create together with the women that show up. Together, women can share what they'd like support in. Then I choose the acupressure points that will meet the most needs of the group. We learn them and then end with a meditation/acupressure session to clear and set you up for a powerful week ahead.

Sessions are Mondays 9am & 6:30pm PST. Everything is optional. 

Membership to exclusive and private groups known as FemmePods® 

Daily FemmePods® are available to have a daily group session with to anchor in your power support network for deeper and faster results.